Latest Facebook Policy: Facebook Ad Account Disabled If 60 Days Inactive

Facebook policy is changing all the time and this time round is all about how long your Facebook Ad Account stays active.

Be Aware Of Latest Facebook Policy - Facebook Ad Account Disabled If 60 Days Inactive


Previously, Facebook would only disable your Facebook Ad Account if you’re running ads not meeting its advertising’ guidelines.

But things get tougher these days…

Now Facebook is going to disable your Facebook Ad Account automatically if it detected that your account is inactive for 60 days or more.

So what the latest Facebook Policy means is if you have created a Facebook Ad Account but not running any ads with it for 60 days or more, you’re going to lose that account.

Latest Facebook Policy 2018 - Facebook Ad Account Disabled If No Activity For 60 Days Or More


This is definitely a BIG BAD NEWS for business owners, advertisers and marketers alike.

Pretty unfair right?

Yes…But the platform belongs to Facebook, it has full authority to make any changes it wants.

So you have to just accept the latest Facebook Policy and go along with it.

When did Facebook roll up this new changes?

The time should be around September 2018 – When I’ve experienced it first-hand on my own Facebook Ad Account.

I discovered 2 of my accounts which I’ve created earlier for backup purpose have been disabled by Facebook.

And it stated at the top of my account with this message “This account is more than 60 days old with little or no activity. We disable unused accounts to help prevent abuse and fraud.”

Then only I realized about this new policy.

If you have more than 1 Facebook Ad Account which you’ve created for different businesses or backup purpose, you need to be extra careful now.

Make sure you keep all of the accounts active every 60 days to avoid death penalty from Facebook.

Is this means you need to spend money on advertising with all the accounts you have?



How To Comply With Latest Facebook Policy By Keeping Your Facebook Ad Account Active Without Spending Money


Based on the latest Facebook Policy regarding Facebook Ad Account, you must have activity in your account every 60 days.

The activity meant here is ads creation.

Just go to the Facebook Ads Manager in your Facebook Ad Account (still active) and create an ads.

In the marketing objective, you can choose anything for example “Engagement”.

The reason because you don’t intent to run real ads but just to let your account having some activity.

latest facebook policy disabled facebook ad account inactive for 60 days or more


In the ad set, you can leave everything as default and don’t need to waste time configure them except for the budget and schedule.

The budget you can choose “Daily Budget” with the minimum $5 (if that’s possible in your country). The schedule you just set for 1 day only.

Creating Ads To Make Your Facebook Ad Account Active To Meet Facebook New Policy


In the ad section itself, for simplicity just choose “Use Existing Post”, then choose any of your Facebook Page followed by any post in the page.

choose existing post for simplicity to create your ads for the purpose to make your facebook ad account active


Finally, you have to press the “Confirm” button at the bottom after above steps are done. Now your ads is submitted for review by Facebook team and at this stage you have successfully created an ads using your Facebook Ad Account.

prevent your facebook ad account disabled by keeping it active


When your ads is still “In Review” stage, you need to go turn it off immediately to avoid charges.

Because the purpose you created this ads is to avoid Facebook Ad Account Disabled by keeping it active.

And to fulfill the requirement in the latest Facebook Policy.

To turn off your new ads, go to your Ads Manager, slide the switch to the left.

how to turn off your facebook ads in review stage


When you’ve successfully turned off your ads, you can see the switch is in grey color and the delivery status is “Inactive.

how to know if you have successfully turned off your ads


Now you have successfully completed all the steps to keep your Facebook Ads Account active without spending money on ads.

You can repeat above steps for all the active Facebook Ads Account you’re having in your Facebook Business Manager.

For those ads accounts already disabled due to new Facebook Policy, you can’t do anything except trying your luck to contact Facebook.

Hopefully, they are going to re-instate your account.


Conclusion On Latest Facebook Policy


With the latest stiffer Facebook Policy, it is going to make the life of your Facebook Ad Account much harder.

But that doesn’t mean you should not have a backup account.

Because if you don’t have one, you might face difficulty creating one when your main account is disabled due to unforeseen circumstances.

However, you should not left your backup Facebook Ad Account inactive for 60 days after creating it. You need to keep it active as required in the latest Facebook Policy by following all the steps mentioned above.

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  • comment-avatar
    Michael Blanck January 27, 2021

    Can you leave your personal ad account inactive? and only use a business ad account?
    This is very important for me to know.
    Thank you for your time

    • comment-avatar

      Hey Michael,

      Sorry, I’m not too sure about Facebook personal ad account because my first encountered was with my Facebook business manager ad account. Since then I always make sure all my business manager ad accounts and personal ad account stay active within every 60 days. I would suggest you should let your Facebook ad account stay active in case you need it in the future.

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    Steven Pemba May 25, 2021

    My facebook account got blocked because one of my friends did send me unwanted video and I did open it and within 1 minutes my account got disable and still I can’t use my facebook
    Can you help me 🙏

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