How To Get Free ISBN To Publish And Sell Books Worldwide ?

Learn How To Get Free ISBN to Sell Book Online Worldwide


ISBN is a 10 to 13 digits identifier number which is unique for each book you intend to publish and sell. It is necessary to have the ISBN printed on the back cover if you’re publishing and selling physical printed books. In this post, I am to reveal a goldmine of how you can get free ISBN so you can publish and sell your books worldwide.

The goldmine is none other than Amazon Kindle Publishing platform or KDP in its short form. All you need is a KDP account (which you can register here if you don’t have one yet). Amazon KDP is a self publishing site that provides you with the easy-to-use and complete system which includes free ISBN for anyone worldwide to be a self-publish author. With Amazon publishing, it helps getting your books visible across all different Amazon sites which allows you to sell them worldwide.


Simple Hack To Get Free ISBN from Amazon


In order to get your free ISBN, login to your Amazon KDP account and proceed to the publishing step. Inside your dashboard, click on the “Paperpack” option under “Create a New Title”.

Get Amazon KDP Account For Free Self Publishing Your Print Book


In “Paperpack Details” section, enter all the required details of your  print book and make sure you are filling up all 7 Keywords Fields with keywords that are having both High Searches Volume Keywords and Low Competition. You should also choose 2 Categories that are having Low Competition. Winning Keywords would give your book a better chance to appear higher position in Amazon search results while having enough potential buyers searching for it. At the same time, Winning Categories would help your KDP book to rank high in the categories you have chosen and get best seller status much easier. You are able to find both Winning Keywords and Winning Categories instantly using Publisher Rocket.

Use Amazon Book Publishing KDP Account To Publish With No Cost


After you have done with the “Paperback Details” section, remember to click on “Save and Continue” button at the bottom. Then you will see the next section appears.

In the “Paperback Content” section, choose “Get a free KDP ISBN” option and click on “Assign me a free KDP ISBN” button. You should see the status “Your book has been assigned a free KDP ISBN” with the number.

Apply Free ISBN Hack From Amazon Kindle Publishing To Sell Your Books Online Worldwide


After that, proceed to upload both of your your print book contents file and book cover design file to the Amazon system. Then preview your book to see if there is any errors and you can save your settings if there is none so you can proceed to the final section. Final section is where you are going to choose which countries you want Amazon to sell your paperback book and the pricing of it. Your KDP print book would available to purchase inside Amazon marketplaces after Amazon reviewed and approved it.


The Benefits


When you choose to use Amazon KDP for publishing your paperback print book, you don’t need to order bulk quantity of books upfront. This is because Amazon will print your book contents directly from its factory whenever there is an order from Amazon customer inside its marketplace platform. Therefore, you don’t need to fork out any money upfront for inventory and warehouse for books storage besides getting free ISBN from Amazon.


Important Things To Note About Free ISBN from Amazon


The free ISBN you are getting from Amazon KDP is allowed for you to publish your book inside its platform only. You don’t have the rights to use that ISBN for publishing with other platforms or book publishers. However, that doesn’t you are no longer able to publish the same book on other places once you have published it on Amazon KDP. This is because you are still having the full rights to your own book even you have claimed the free ISBN from Amazon Kindle Publishing. The only thing is you have to buy and apply your own ISBN if you want to publish the same book with other book platforms or publishers in addition to Amazon self publishing.

If you are located in United States or Australia, you are able to buy the ISBN from Bowker which allows you to publish your books anywhere you want. After you have Bowker ISBN, you would need to generate a barcode with it. For this, you can use a free barcode generator for ISBN from Bookow to generate one. Then you can put the barcode with your ISBN from Bowker on your book cover design.

Use Free Barcode Generator For ISBN From Bookow For Your Book


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