How To Do Competitor Research For Amazon Kindle Publishing Books?

Learn How To Do Competitor Research For Amazon Kindle Publishing Books


Amazon Kindle Publishing platform is a great place for you if you have the desire to become an author or just to make money from books.

But before you kick start your awesome journey of self publishing on Amazon Kindle, you should have some well preparation.

This is important because it helps to determine the success of your books.

So it is wiser for you to spend some effort to make preparation before publishing your books through Amazon Kindle.

One of the important preparation is you should or must have is doing competitor research.

It will help you know the useful information such as which competitors are having a lot of sales, how much are their monthly sales, what titles they are using and which Amazon categories they are ranking.

These information will help you plan your contents, create eye-catching title & cover and target the good Amazon categories for your book.

You can then emulate the success of those books and take inspiration for your own Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing books.

You might even able come out with a better book when you have the initial inspiration.

However, many people find that doing competitor research is very time consuming.

But after reading remaining of this blog post, you can easily do your competitor research for books available in Amazon KDP.

Because now I am going to show you a simple hack on how to do this.


Simple Hack To Do Competitor Research Using Publisher Rocket


1) Login to Publisher Rocket software. Click on “Competition Analyzer”.

Learn How To Perform Amazon KDP Competitor Research With Publisher Rocket


2) Type in the type of books (for example: children book) which you want to do Amazon Kindle Publishing competition research. Choose either “Book” or “eBook” depending on which one you want to see the results.

Tips for KDP Self Publishing Competition Analysis


3) First look at “MO SALES” column to see which books are generating high amount sales amount every month. You can use them as reference to decide which type of contents you should make for your own book.

Learn How To Do Competition Research For Amazon Kindle Publishing Best Sellers Books


4) You can also look on the “DY Sales” column for the see how much the estimate daily sales those books are generating per day.

Learn How To See Amazon Best Sellers Books Using Publisher Rocket


5) Inside the Publisher Rocket, see how much is the price of your competitors’ books and you can use as reference to sell your book.

Discover How To Set Your Amazon KDP Books Pricing With Publisher Rocket


6) Look at the number of book pages your competitors are having. This helps you to plan how many pages you want for your book.

Guide for Self Publishing Books On Amazon Kindle For Dummies


7) Click on “See The Categories” under “TYPE” to see the specific categories your competitors are using for their books.

Learn Competitor Keyword Categories Analysis For Amazon Ebooks With Publisher Rocket


8) You can also click on “Check it out” to open the specific book product page on Amazon marketplaces to scan for more details.

Steps On Doing Competitor Research For Amazon Direct Publishing Ebooks


9) With the book product page, you can see how its descriptions were written and this might give you some ideas for your own book too.

Tips For Using Publisher Rocket Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing To Outsmart Your Book Competitors


10) If you want to see the whole list of book categories used by your competitors, you can click on “Unleash the Categories” tab.

Discover Amazon Best Sellers Categories For Your Book With Publisher Rocket


11) With the list of categories shown, you can then choose additional ones and then manual request Amazon KDP customer service to add additional 8 categories for your book which I have covered in my previous blog post.

Guide For Finding Amazon Kindle Publishing Categories To Rank Your Ebook With KDP Rocket


12) Finally, you can then click “Export Competition Data” to download all the competitor research data into Excel in case you need to reference back later using Publisher Rocket.

Guide On Download Competition Research Results To Excel With Publisher Rocket


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